HOP (Hearts Open Power), from a practical point of view, is a three step process.

  1. Hearts - awareness, by being clear that our curent perspective(s) are coming from more than one area, each with its own independent perception on the world. These areas include, but not only, our hearts, our basic area, our social area, our rational area, our experiencial area. These areas sometimes get into a conflict. This is when we feel that there is no peace anymore in our hearts. This can be also felt as a cognitive dissonance that pushes us to take action, with the goal of being at peace.
  2. Open - to peace, to harmony, by gifting ourselves the time to learn the conditions that our design requires, so peace, harmony and wholeness naturally appear in our experience.
  3. Power - of our innate abilities by choosing to do and go after what you want by doing what you are the best at, by doing what it's impossible for you to fail at, by doing what your own experience is showing you as rewarding and full of life in each and every moment.

The above three steps, start from the assumption (subject to further proof for you) that our design longs for a state of being that is optimal, free, whole, connected and present with everything that life has to offer.

HOP from an experiential point of view is a state of being that is meant to bring cristal clarity in seeing how we are designed to live our life. This includes having a sense that we are experiencing a very high quality moment, sometimes experienced in our lives at certain moments. This can include experiences when we are in a very interesting conversations, either a lovely day on the beach, either being in a loving community, either when enjoying the company of our partner, either performing as an artist or musician, either performing in our work.

I thought about many ways to explain what HOP is all about in a few sentences that would spark the same interest and the same passion as closely as I can with the beauty that resonates and flows within me. My intention is to connect with you, so you can experience the love, connection and care that is unfolding as a natural result of our simple intention to walk with each other.

After more than 7 years of searching and experiencing different ways of seeing it, I came to three descriptions, one close to my heart, one close to my mind and one experiential. To be more specific in the examples below I'm talking about a closed heart and an open heart. At the first glance there is the possibility to label having a closed heart as something wrong, bad and seeing the open heart as perfect, as good. My intention here is to be aware that neither of them is neither good or bad, neither perfect or imperfect. Both of the states have their own unique value in our life and we can't separate one from the other. HOP is an exploration of these two states of being, understanding why they happen, why they are both precious and what power do we have at choosing one or another.

I want to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to you first. You are gifting me and to yourself this time now to read this. I want to express my gratitude, also, to all the people that trusted me and chose to be my students and accepted me as I am. I know that having students helped me grow and helped me see things as clearly as I see them now. I often hear students telling me that they noticed something beautiful in me, in the way I talk, in the way I express things, in the way I see beauty in every person. They also say that I'm helping them to grow in the person that they long to be.  My reply is that they couldn't possibly see any beauty in me if that beauty wasn't already in themselves. So I'm telling you, the beautiful person that you are reading this, that you are beautiful, there is infinite beauty there in you, right now. You don't need to look further than your own experience. Actually you don't need anyone to show you the beauty that lies within you. And you know this if you ask your heart.

I want to be clear that I can't help you and I don't intend to help anyone. My intention is only to walk with you, so we both can share what is similar between us. As I walked with many people I grew. In the same time you'll grow when you take every opportunity to walk with people you share similar interests.

All HOP is about is to present to you new possibilities of being that appear right after discovering what is stopping your innate beauty, harmony and peace to manifest freely.

Once you see clearly that what is stopping you is also beautiful, and has its own role in your growth as a human being, part of this journey here on Earth, you'll be able to see clearly so many new possibilities that are there for you in that very moment. Possibilities that are in sync with your nature, with what your design is resonating with.

I want to thank you again for gifting yourself the time to take a walk with the HOP community. Because these are not only my words, these are the words that flow from my growth from walking with all the beautiful people I had the pleasure to walk with.  Every word that meets your eyes is a step you take walking together.

Before going into the three short descriptions I want to be clear that we as humans have a wide range of feelings and of states of being. And it's one of the core concepts of HOP, that there is nothing wrong with us, regardless of what we feel, regardless of what the state we are in, regardless of the thoughts that come into our awareness.

These three examples below are just a drop from the ocean of life that is here waiting to be seen.

The first example, close to my heart is:‌‌

Learn how to prevent our hearts from closing and then learn how to fully use the power of our open hearts in such a way that we savor every moment of it.

The one close to my mind is:‌‌

Learn how to prevent failure and then learn how to get and live what you want right now.

The one that is experiential:‌‌

Compare two situations, time limited, when you are involved in something. It comes a time, where you check the clock, seeing how much time left you have.

In the first situation you look at the time, you see that there are 4 hours left, and you are not happy that you still have so much time left until you are free.

In the second situation you look at the time, you see that there are 30 minutes left, and you are so happy that you still have 30 minutes left to enjoy what you are doing.

This work is about learning as much as possible why we end up in the first situation and how we can design our life that we start living as much as possible in the second situation where we fully live and savor every moment of our experience, when we feel at home being who we are in each and every moment of that experience, when everything is light, free and it happens all by itself.

I'm going to end this small intro with a message from one of the people that gifted me their precious time to take a walk with me:

Thank you Adrian so much for your message. This is sooo good, the reality and liberty are so good. You know those few days of “these experiments” are the Times of my life. It is such a pitty that I didn’t (and maybe I won’t in the future) live like that in every moment. And again: I would really enjoy to live like that many moments of my life, and I am open to see a possibility that it won’t happen. Adrian, it is as if I am relearning by your side to walk.

The above words touched my heart mainly because I see that I also learn how to walk as a teacher. I couldn't do it without the time and curiosity that students gifted to taking this walk with me. In the process we discovered that we all are gifts to each other.

Ultimately nobody can give you anything. You need to live your own life, you need to live your own experiences. You need to discover and follow your own path. What other people can gift to you, is the opportunity to walk with them. It's you who chooses ultimately with whom you are walking, with whom you are growing, from whom you are learning.

As far as I see the people that succeed in living fully are the people that are willing to be flexible enough to use their own intelligence to change their limits, in such a way, that they recreate their experience to be close to their heart, to match their own abilities in such a way that, to them, is beautiful, easy, valuable, rewarding, full of love, connected and impossible to fail at living what they want.

I want to give a heartfelt thanks to my loving wife for challenging my ideas every day. I couldn't got here without her.