This post is the first post I wrote on 28 January 2021 after attending the first online NVC VIT. This was a turning point for me because I had the opportunity to have an experience of connecting with so many people, so many beautiful, curious and powerful people that were there for the same reason, united to reveal the beauty of life in all of us. I will be forever grateful to Robert Gonzales for his presence and care in guiding us through a process that forever affected the way I'm seeing things.

My intention for this post is to make you curious about opening a possibility that we don't hear too often. The possibility of opening your heart fully to allow the flow of life to manifest freely.

I'm starting an old journey. It's a journey I took before but without knowing it.

Now I'll continue this journey with intention.

The intention is in the name of this website.

I'm continuing a journey of the hearts open power. This journey started for a very long time... maybe even before our Universe existed. It's the journey of life. Life that is now in this moment manifesting through us, from us, reaching for life in all the beings in the Universe.

I can never forget the profound revelation I had when I became aware of the power that manifests when two open hearts touch each other. And even more power when more open hearts touch each other.

The profound liveness of the flow of life when you finally let life free to manifest, breaking all the walls of vulnerability, fear and words.

The connection with life that was always there... waiting... patiently... and sometimes we did connected with life and those experiences remain in our memories as something to get to... as something better to strive for.

Often we struggle so hard to fix things, to fix the world, trying so hard to touch that perfect moment we see in our minds. Who would have thought that behind our desire to get there into that better place is life... the power of life... that energy that we all feel manifesting through different feelings like frustration, anger, trying hard, fighting, running, trying to get away, trying to fix. And it's the life in us trying to reach and touch life, giving us the power.

Who would have thought that behind all that struggle there is so much beauty. So much beauty and power that longs to show itself to the whole world.

And who would have thought that when we open our hearts it's not only power that starts to flow through us. But also ease, freedom, purpose. With an open heart I can now see how I'm already whole, I already have everything I need right here where I am. I can see that we were built to enjoy life on this earth, to learn and to enrich life.

I can clearly see now that we are truly gifts to each other. Because only when we open our hearts to each other we are truly growing as a human being.