My intention is to invite you to take a walk with me, while I share my view on what I'm calling "the limitless experience" where you have no sense of separation or limits between you and the whole world. When you sense you are one with the whole world, and everything is really ok.

Regardless if what you are going to read is going to resonate with you or not, it's my longing to connect and express the beauty, the peace and the limitlessness of this experience with you.

These are a few drops of the beauty and wisdom I touched while I was taking a walk with my family, with my teachers, with my friends, with my students, with my desires, with my pets, with nature and with myself. I'm so aware now everytime I share something it will always come from one or more points of view. I tried to present here more points of view of this experience. But yet again this is still a linear presentation. This means if you will read this multiple times it will be different each time, as more details will unfold after your intellectual perception is gradually letting go of each concept presented here, after it's understood.

I used "limitless" because it's one of the top qualities popped into my awareness when I decided to write about this experience. But in the moments when we know we are now "OK", there are many qualities like effortlessness, wholeness, easiness, expansion into the world, connection with the world and with us, trust, openness and so much more as also mentioned a few below.


  • Why do I want to share this with you?
  • Details of the limitless experience
  • Why, more often than not, this is not happening
  • Exploring the conditions for the limitless experience to happen
  • What is the intention will trigger this experience‌‌
  • Living the limitless experience

Why do I want to share this with you?

Why do I want to share with you this experience of not being separate in any way from the world, of having an experience of being limitless, of having an experience of being in sync and full resonance with the whole world?

There is a simple answer for this, and the answer is, simply because this experience, it's so so full of life, so full of joy and full of total freedom, we all want it.

This is something way more precious if it's shared and way more powerful experienced together. Sharing this with you fills my heart with joy, as I'm savoring imagining you, my reader, is experiencing this while reading and experimenting with the different ways of looking at it.

This experience is available to all of us and it's closer to you than you might think.

You already know it. Usually it appears randomly in our life or in moments when we feel at home with what we are doing, fully immersed and enjoying our activity, when everything is flowing and happening by itself, when our hearts are open and filled with grace, beauty and harmony.

Details of the limitless experience‌‌

There are a few details you can notice, and are all happening at once:

  • You don't sense a limit between your body and the world around you
  • You experience the world as vibrating in total resonance, as you would be immersed in the most joyful beautiful song
  • You sense you have way more power you thought available at your fingertips
  • You sense you have abilities you never knew existed, right there available for you to enjoy
  • You sense time doesn't seem so important,and even disappearing completely
  • You know it's true and not a figment of your imagination
  • You feel whole and one with the world
  • Ease, freedom and effortless is manifesting in your whole self
  • High quality and having a sense everything is doing itself will start to manifest in your experience
  • Present in the moment, so much so often things seem brighter, more colourful, more alive
  • You have an increased sensitivity to what is beautiful to you
  • Expansion out into the world, an openness to, and a oneness with, your environment and with the others
  • Your thoughts are soft, gentle and in sync with the freedom you are experiencing
  • You sense you are in sync with what is happening right here and now
  • You feel blessed and joyful‌‌☺️
  • You sense you are supported by the whole planet

If this is so good there is no wonder we all want it. Let's explore why isn't this happening more often.

Why more often than not, this is not happening

Our system is built to function as a whole. Even if we can look at our system and notice parts like our feet, our hands, our head, our mouth, nose, eyes and so forth, they can't function without the others. So in this case it means there needs to be a flow of information and energy between them. When the flow of energy and information is going smoothly, then our system has some of the conditions to create the wholeness experience.

As we can see from the above details of this experience, one of the characteristics is everything is happening by itself. And this is exactly what wholeness means, everything is easy and is happening by itself.‌‌

So if wholeness does itself, we don't need to do anything because will create effort not in the characteristics of this experience.‌‌

So if we go by this supposition, wholeness is doing itself, it means whenever this experience of limitlessness is not happening we must be doing something interferes with flow of information and energy to go freely in our whole self, from the world and out into the world.‌‌

Exploring the conditions for limitless experience to happen

We can notice when limitless, wholeness experience is not happening we start to feel opposing feelings like:

  • Tension
  • Lack of space
  • Narrowed
  • Distressed
  • Disconnected
  • Separate
  • Effort

In the same time specific thoughts appear like:

  • I have to do this
  • This is not enough
  • I am lacking something
  • There is something wrong with myself or with the world
  • That has to happen
  • This is hard

Probably, anyone will think thoughts like the above will start to have the above feelings.‌‌

At the same time if we start to observe the world, the environment in a way we can describe it, we will quickly see there is a contrast between what is happening in the environment and what is happening in yourself in the moment when you are not experiencing wholeness.‌‌

You can start asking yourself at this moment what is valuable to you. If you're not experienced in being clear what is valuable to you, this might take a while until it's going to be revealed to you.

You might discover things like this:

  • I value easiness
  • I value freedom
  • I value connection
  • I value a specific outcome
  • I value care
  • I value love
  • I value friendship
  • I value support

At the same time if you take a look at the above thoughts you'll quickly notice they are not resonating with what you value. ‌‌

So you could notice, for example, you value freedom but at the same time you have thoughts about things have to happen.‌‌ Or you might notice you value easiness but what you are doing feels hard.

If you want the freedom you need to let go of the "have to happen". This doesn't mean you give up on what you value, on what you want but it only means you are open for not to happen.

You can try it right now. It goes something like this:

I value my freedom a lot, I value what I want, but I'm open to not getting anything.

Try replacing what you value with your own wish and at the same time being open to it not to happen right now.‌‌

If you are curious and try the above as an experiment for 5-10 minutes, there is a big chance peace will start to flow within your whole self.‌‌

What intention will trigger this experience

Why, being willing to let go of something precious to us, brings so much peace inside of us?

It's because if we gift the freedom not to happen, it will allow our hearts to open to what is, and will allow us to grow and be an integral part of the whole world.

By taking this path we already start living the freedom we want. You feel how it feels to gift freedom to what you are wishing for.‌‌

If you had the courage to gift what you are wishing for the freedom to happen or not to happen, you might notice some specific feelings:

  • Hope
  • Smiling
  • Connected
  • Peace
  • Unity
  • Free
  • Flow

In the same time there might be some specific thoughts:

  • This is nice
  • I wasn't expecting this
  • I feel like smiling
  • I could get used to this
  • Everything is brighter and more colorful
  • I can hear the birds singing now, this is so strange I wasn't hearing them before‌‌
  • I'm really ok
  • The world is ok

As you can see, it's in your power and effortless to gift this freedom to your wishes. ‌‌

So one of our abilities is to gift freedom and amazingly enough, we will feel free righ in the moment.

It's amazing, the joy, the beauty, the freedom, the easiness will start to manifest right there in your whole self, as soon as you start choosing living what you want right now.

‌After releasing the above limit, you can see nothing is sticking out of your experience, but every action, every sound, every feeling, every thought, becomes a part of the whole. It's like one huge moment, timeless. This came as a result of me being open for nothing to happen! It's very interesting how time literally disappears.

It's not about getting what you want, but about choosing to live what you want, it's about you choosing how you want to live right now.

As you are reading these words, you can have so many different experiences.

If you go about trying to get to the end faster, you'll feel that.

If while reading this, you have something on your mind worries you, you'll feel how it feels to read while worried.

If you choose to take your time while reading this, the experience will be different.

If you choose while reading this to take a walk with all the people contributing to HOP, so these words can reach your heart, you'll have a different experience.

If you choose to live from a different perspective, for example without "time" but seeing everything in terms of cause and effect will give you a totally different experience compared with when there is time.

If you choose to live without seeing yourself as having parts, you'll get a wholeness experience.

If you choose to live by taking care of your limits, your experience will be limitless, rewarding and fearless.

If you choose to give up the image you have about how you should be, and allow yourself to be how you are without anything added, you'll see and experience how the real you is.

What's beautiful is you received this gift of free-will when you were born.

If you use your gift of free-will right now as you read this, and consciously choose how to read this, you will have an experience of how it feels to use your free-will. You will have an experience of being free.

Our whole self needs the full range of possibilities in order to find balance, support and the freedom we're longing for.

I can gift myself the freedom so any specific result I might want, not to happen so I can focus on the endless possibilities I have to live the path, giving the freedom for everything to exist as a huge limitless experience.

There is a big smile on my face now when I'm discovering this intention.

Living the limitless experience

There is an ability, built in our design, and if we connect with it, will take care of our experience so everything is done effortlessly.

This is amazing, to connect with this area of ourselves that processes everything effortlessly in the most literal way possible.

This is not an ideal, this is possible in any moment of our life. This is in life’s design to do itself. But only if a few conditions are met.

You can see this everywhere if you only take a quick look. Here are a few:

  • our skin healing by itself
  • our coordination doing itself
  • a new life is able to be born from the connection of woman and man
  • learning
  • remembering
  • hair growing
  • seeing beauty
  • caring
  • loving
  • trees growing
  • flowers blossoming
  • Earth going around the Sun
  • … The list is infinite

Effortless, limitless and doing itself is abundant and all around us. All we need to notice is it exists. If this exists everywhere, why wouldn’t this exist in our experience? And it does exist in us also. Actually this is the default experience. This is what happens if you stop interfering with this innate limitlessness. Effortlessness is what happens if we don’t try to “help” life to grow faster than it grows by itself.

Effortlessness is what happens when we stop thinking in terms of time but in terms of cause and effect.

Just when spring comes, the grass grows by itself.

There is this energy, actually many types of energies we have no control over, but if left alone, when they meet intelligence, they will be used to create total unity, wholeness and give us real experience of us having no limits. We’re not alone any more but all together in one unified experience.

Why not start to live right now for real, this support, this beauty, this energy it’s already here, waiting for you to give up trying to control your experience, and instead noticing the free support, the free energy is waiting to be allowed to do itself.

Our minds are so young… We sometimes think we know it all… But how boring would be?

Our mind thinks it can fix but…

There is no shortcut…

There is no hack…

After activity comes resting.

After eating comes washing dishes.

After hurrying comes exhaustion.

After allowing yourself to be as you are, comes joy and gratitude.

After using yourself out of support comes possible damage and unpleasant feelings.

After resting comes recovery.

When you get bored of suffering, take a look around at what is happening right now.

How easy it is to only live what is happening right now?

How easy it is, to give up that better image in your mind, even if it is for 1 second, and simply live here and now? And if you had the courage to give it up for 1 second, why not try 5 seconds… Why not try 5 minutes… Why not try a lifetime.

And even better why not realize, to get something outside of this moment is simply an illusion.

What can be done effortlessly can’t be done with effort.

If you feel effort, that’s not going to get you to be effortless.

In effort there is no freedom.

Freedom can’t be achieved by using effort.

If freedom is valuable to you, it’s only going to happen when you allow it not to happen.

Limitless experience is what happens when we take care of how we navigate in a way there are no limits in our experience.

This is a paradox between our perceptions. Because we have more than one perception. On one hand there is this experience of effortlessness and on one hand there is this experience of effort. But only one is willing to be in control, everytime we want control.

There is this experience of limitlessness but at the same time there is also the limited experience. You can look at them as good or bad, perfect or imperfect, but also we can learn from, as a moment to moment feedback on how we are using our intelligence to take care of our moment to moment experience.

There is this experience of wholeness, but at the same time there is this experience we are a bunch of parts. The wholeness experience is a direct moment to moment experience of how we see ourselves. If we see ourselves as parts stacked together like the things humans create, we'll have an experience of parts, of effort. If we make an experiment and give up this idea we have parts, we have a body and a mind, it will only take a few moments for our illusions, leading to so much effort, to crumble like a house of cards.

What if this experience of effortlessness, this experience of limitlessness is a result of the easiest thing in the world? What if this experience of everything doing itself is you being open to accept and explore what is happening right now. What if this experience is the path and not the result of the path. What if all it takes is for you to never finish having your heart open to what is.What if you can’t stop and fix your experience, but you can be open and flow with your experience endlessly, adapting and making sense as you go out directly living what is happening right now.

P.S. It's my wish you enjoyed reading as much as I enjoyed writing it. I hope you also have a big smile on your face, as I have it right now. In the same time, I want to issue a warning, far as reality goes, this approach is only useful if it helps you to stop interfering with your innate abilities you have, in a way that allows yourself to live as you are as a whole, being close to what you value and you already getting your reward moment by moment. I tried many years to try to create this experience intellectually, but I failed every time. Intellectually I can only make sense rationally how things work, but eventually it's when I see "reason" is not so important, but my openness to allow all my abilities and perceptions to be equally important, in a way that nothing sticks out, in a way there is a perfect balance between what I value and free-will.